They were also known to carry the longer sarissai instead of the sturdier xysta preferred by the heavy cavalry regiments. According to Polyaenus’ account of Macedonian military training, the infantrymen of phalanx were supplied with bronze helmets (kranos) of the Phrygian variety, light shields (pelte), greaves (knemides) and their characteristic long pikes (sarissai). While Athens would become a naval power, Sparta easily emerged as the atypical military city, initiating a strict code of conduct with intense military training for every male citizen. Delving into the scope of the infantrymen, earlier we talked about how around 9,000 Pezhetairoi (or Foot Companions), the main phalanx force of the Macedonian army, were assembled for Alexander’s incredible military expedition. ) shield, from whence their name, peltast, derived. However, in spite of these cultural differences, the ‘hotch-potch’ of Alexander’s force was admirably successful in conducting long-lasting campaigns while enduring logistical obstacles – feats that were only matched by Hannibal and his army of ‘multinationals‘ more than 80 years later. Considered semi-barbarous by the metropolitan Greeks, the Macedonians were a martial people; they drank deeply of unwatered wine (the very mark of a barbarian) and no youth was considered to be fit to sit with the men at table until he had … Beneath this political veneer, the Royal Pages also performed a practical function. To join over 5,600 other subscribers, simply provide your email address: Ancient Macedonian Army of Alexander the Great: 10 Things You Should Know, Twilight of the Polis and Conclusion – Lecture By YaleCourses, Battle of Hastings: The Armies and Tactics, 2400-year old ancient Greek curse tablets ‘call upon’ the gods of the underworld, 10 incredible things you should know about the Sistine Chapel, 15 Ancient Celtic Gods and Goddesses You Should Know About, Listen to festive medieval ‘dance tunes’ played on authentic medieval instruments, 8 Of The Oldest Known Songs, You Should Listen To, 3700-year old Babylonian tablet may contain the world’s oldest known trigonometric table, Earliest evidence of child sacrifice in Mesopotamia found inside a 5000-year-old tomb in Turkey, The Bayeux Tapestry: Reconstructed and Explained, Archaeologists have possibly identified the ‘actual’ food items served during the Last Supper, 10 fascinating things you should know about the Imperial Roman legionary, History of the Sumerians – The ‘First’ of the Civilized Mesopotamians, Know Your Historical Warships: From 7th Century BC – 17th Century AD, Ancient Roman Gladiators: Origins and History, Mongols: The Armies, Organization, Armor, And Tactics. [112], Alexander the Great appears to have been one of the first generals to employ artillery on the open field of battle, rather than in a siege. On occasions, they possibly even functioned as the Hypaspists, the shield-bearers we will talk about later in the article. The Prodromoi (scouts) was one such Thracian unit that was attached to the Royal Army (comprising only Macedonians), and they possibly consisted of four squadrons. Two new pixelated camouflage designs were produced beginning in 2009. The Thracians, on the other hand, were perceived as an unruly bunch by their Greek neighbors. These group comprised the sons of nobles who were incorporated into the aristocratic court, albeit as servants of the kings. In fact, contrary to our modern concept of political correctness, there was rampant racism and pre-conceived ideas directed against other groups within the army. The largest lithoboloi could fire stones up to 80 kg in weight. So as can be gathered from this small list of items, the armor is conspicuously missing. *Each nation is assessed on individual and collective values processed through an in-house formula to generate a 'PwrIndx' score. And in terms of armor, most of these infantrymen adopted the heavier ‘muscled cuirass’ and the ubiquitous Phrygian helmet. Ashley, pp. This had begun around 400 BC in Syracuse under Dionysius I. It was created and made formidable by King Philip II of Macedon; previously the army of Macedon had been of little account in the politics of the Greek world, and Macedonia had been regarded as a second-rate power.. The basic tactical unit in the Macedonian army was known as the dekas, which contrary to its allusion to the number 10, actually consisted of sixteen man – equivalent of a single file in a square formation of the phalanx (comprising 256 men). November 30, 2017. As we mentioned before, most members of this elite cavalry regiment were recruited from the nobles (and their sons), and they possibly numbered around 1,800 men, divided into 8 squadrons (ilai), before the start of Alexander’s momentous expedition into Asia. Sources: WeaponsandWarfare / Twilight of the Polis and Conclusion – Lecture By YaleCourses, Book References: Alexander the Great at War (Edited by Ruth Sheppard) / Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age ( By Peter Green) / The Army of Alexander the Great (By Nick Secunda), Home » Blog Posts » Military » Ancient Macedonian Army of Alexander the Great: 10 Things You Should Know. In addition to around 3,600 heavy cavalry forces (comprising the Hetairoi and Thessalians), complemented by around 1,400 light cavalry troopers (comprising Thracians, Greeks, and other auxiliaries), the Macedonian army of Alexander also inducted mercenary horsemen. Torsion machines used skeins of sinew or hair rope, which were wound around a frame and twisted so as to power two bow arms; these could develop much greater force than earlier forms (such as the gastraphetes) reliant on the elastic properties of a bow-stave. The catapult was one of the most intimidating siege weapons. Partly inspired by the great general Epaminondas and his Theban army, and also influenced by the contemporary Athenian general Iphicrates, Philip adopted the nascent ideas of the phalanx, wherein the infantrymen, in their deep formations, were armed with heavy, lengthy spears but armored in light attires. Photo about Soldier in uniform of the Macedonian army, a member of the Guard. 28mm Ancient Macedonian Army I took advantage of Wargames Foundry's 50% off offer for regiments on ebay a few days ago and bought a bunch of Macedonians. Consequently, it can be assumed that they were similarly divided into eight squadrons (ilai), with the agema (vanguard) pertaining to the Pharsalian squadron – the Thessalian counterpart to the Royal Squadron (Basilike Ile) of the Hetairoi. Diodorus talked about at least such 600 Greek horsemen crossing the Hellespont with the main expeditionary force, and they were possibly reinforced by other detachments later in the campaign. Now considering the relatively rigid tactics of the aforementioned Pezhetairoi, it can be surmised that the Hypaspistes probably fulfilled a flexible battlefield role that bridged the gap between the mobile cavalry and the ‘stagnant’ phalanx. [117], This article is about the army of the Kingdom of Macedonia under, An ancient fresco of Macedonian soldiers from the tomb of, The use of Asiatic soldiers under Alexander the Great, The Campaigns of Alexander, Arrian, VII.10, Campbell and Lawrence (ed.s), pp. The most famous of them arguably related to the crack troops of Agrianians, who numbered around 1,000 and carried both short and long javelins. What we do know, however, is that Alexander specifically recruited a company of the renowned Cretan archers (toxotai), and they were known for carrying their bronze pelte (light shield) that also aided them in close-combat scenarios. 33. Judging by this requirement for agility, it can be assumed that the Hypaspist wore less armor when compared to his infantry comrades of the Macedonian army. [115], Following the fragmentation of the empire of Alexander, Macedon became an independent kingdom once again. [111], The dramatic change in the abilities of Greeks to operate against fortifications owed much to the development of effective artillery. The latter group possibly pertained to the courtiers of ancient Macedon, who traveled with the basileus (king) and convened with him in the royal tent. Befitting the elite ‘hammer’ of the Macedonian army, the Hetairoi flaunted their uniforms, with the Royal Squadron members ostentatiously displaying purple cloaks or chlamys (dyed with Tyrian purple) with golden yellow borders – many of which were confiscated from the Persian treasury. Interestingly enough, there may have been a conspicuous absence of shields – the mainstay of Greek warfare, when it came to cavalry maneuvering, except on rare occasions. Interestingly enough, Alexander also preferred his dedicated ‘department’ of chaplains. ARISTON m Ancient Greek Derived from Greek aristos meaning ‘the best’. Many historians have theorized that the Hypaspistes (‘Shield Bearers’) had their origins as retainers of the Companions of the royal court (not to be confused with the Hetairoi Cavalry), while others have hypothesized that they evolved from the mainline Pezhetairoi infantry. For instance, during the Peloponnesian War, the Spartans were never able to take Athens despite easily conquering her surrounding territory. These features were evident in the first major battle the army, newly trained up by Philip, fought in 358 BC and could still be discerned at Gaugamela in 331 BC. The Hellenistic armies of the other Macedonian successor-states of the Diadochi period, which followed the death of Alexander, also displayed a continuation of earlier Macedonian equipment, organisation and tactics. 28mm Wargames Foundry Macedonians. [114], The Macedonian army was one of the first military forces to use 'combined arms tactics', using a variety of specialised troops to fulfill specific battlefield roles in order to form a greater whole. However, beyond their martial capacity, it is their origins that have perplexed historians. In this part we look at the different types of light infantry the ancient Kingdom of Macedon used. This unit, made up of taller candidates, expressly took the position of honor on the battlefield on the right side, supported on the left by other lochoi of Hypaspistes – and together they possibly had a strength of around 3,000 men. Two powerful city-states rose to dominate Greece. It should also be noted that some Greek city-states offered their military support in the form of cavalry forces. [109][110], The Macedonians had developed their siege tactics under Philip. A nifty solution came forth in the form of the Royal Pages (Basilikoi Paides). However, there were a number of features of the tactics employed by the Macedonians in pitched battles which can be identified as being typical. Interestingly enough, one of the accounts of Polyaenus anecdotally entails how Alexander himself armed the men who had previously fled the battlefield with a hemithorakion – a half armor that only covered the front part of the body so that the soldiers wouldn’t turn their backs on the enemy. The command structure of the Macedonian army was extremely complex, consisting of many separate layers of authority. Among these units, the Royal Squadron (Basilike Ile) with its double numbers held the position of honor in battles, and such its members were usually drawn from the Personal Companions and Friends (philoi) of the Basileus. Many of these valued cavalrymen were borne by the equestrian culture prevalent in the Thessalian noble class – and as such their regiments possibly mirrored the structure of the much-heralded Hetairoi. Pertaining to the latter, it has been hypothesized that some of these allied Greek forces (along with mercenaries) were possibly relegated to garrison duties after crossing the Hellespont. At the same time, these Shield Bearers formed the crack units of the army, and they proved their worth in many a siege battle, by taking part in the frontal assaults conducted within cramped quarters. Prominent in a number of sieges, including the epic Siege of Tyre (332 BC), were siege towers; these allowed men to approach and assault the enemy walls without being exposed to potentially withering missile fire. The military forces of this successor state, the Antigonid Macedonian army, retained many features of the armies of Philip and Alexander. The Antigonid Macedonian army was the army that evolved from the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia in the period when it was ruled by the Antigonid dynasty from 276 BC to 168 BC. So, without further ado, let us take a gander at ten things you should know about the mighty ancient Macedonian army of Alexander the Great. While I will argue (in part 2) that Macedonian horse would also have been present, most Macedonians soldiers were Pezetairoi, and a Macedonian army without them would have been strange indeed. The army of the Kingdom of Macedonia was among the greatest military forces of the ancient world.It was created and made formidable by King Philip II of Macedon; previously the army … Equally, they meant that more men could be put on the walls in a shorter period of time, as simple ladders constrained the men attacking to moving up in single file, thus making the task of defending the walls far easier. Given their esteemed martial value, many of the veteran Hypaspistes possibly also formed the renowned Argyraspides – the ‘Silver Shields’ who later took part in the Wars of the Successors after Alexander’s death. Fulfilling a role similar to the medieval squires, these teenager males were basically taken up as hostages who would serve as ‘guarantees’ of their parent’s loyalties. Posted By: Dattatreya Mandal Now it should be noted that hetairoi as a term is pretty vague, and it could denote both the aforementioned ‘companion’ cavalry and the king’s own personal companions. The army of the Kingdom of Macedonia was among the greatest military forces of the ancient world. 28mm Ancient Macedonian Army continued A Macedonian General's Command Base. As the noble youth of the burgeoning realm, they were indoctrinated and inducted into the loyalty-based cult of the king. A general mobilization could swell its ranks to 120,000. While popular history tends to bring forth the notion of Alexander the Great as a military genius (and rightly so), his generalship was not only mirrored by his individual brilliance but also the impressive efforts of his army. Nevertheless, they were renowned for their effective light cavalry forces. Every citizen was required to defend the city in the event of war. Philip had 600 cavalry, the Illyrians were concerned about being outflanked by the Macedonian cavalry and formed up in a hollow square. I know the companions were … He immediately initiated a series of military reforms. By Alexander’s time, torsion-powered artillery was in use. These corps of mounted warriors were presented with heavy cuirasses and Phrygian helmets, and they acted as a hard-hitting yet mobile force on the battlefield. Unlike hoplites, however, these epilektoi had to be paid on a regular basis – a system that often severely affected the fiscal condition of many individual city-states. 34-35 (light cavalry weaponry), 45 (javelins), 47-48 (bows/archery). For example, the southern Greeks perceived their northern Macedonian brethren as being uncouth and even semi-civilized. They were also presented with standard yet flexible cuirasses, possibly made of small metal pieces that were reinforced with leather or covered in white linen, along with the Boeotian helmets that replaced the earlier Phyrgian models. To that end, ancient sources talked about how 1,800 Thessalian horsemen took part in Alexander’s Asia expedition, a number matched by the Companion Cavalry forces. Although a Spartan boy learned enough to be literate, more importantly, he learned how to endure … Two forms of such ballista were used by the Macedonians: a smaller bolt-shooting type called the oxybeles and a larger stone-throwing machine called the lithobolos. Sadly the informations on this subject are scarce. (ed.s) (2013), Sekunda N. and McBride, A. YouTuber Historia Civilis has concocted a nifty animation that aptly presents the famed ‘hammer-and-anvil’ tactic of the Macedonian army during Alexander’s time. Ancient Macedonian army. The cavalry forced their way into the Illyrian ranks and were followed by elements of the phalanx. The Illyrians broke after a fierce struggle, and three-quarters of Bardylis' army were slaughtered. Against such foes the Hellenistic-era phalanx proved vulnerable. Considering the defensive attitude of his successors, it can be assumed that in Alexander’s lifetime the sarissai were possibly somewhat shorter. With all the talk about the elite Companion Cavalry, it may come as a surprise that it was actually the Thessalians who were considered as the finest horsemen in the Macedonian army (and possibly even the whole Greek world). Addeddate 2014-08-09 14:52:29 Identifier AncientMacedonia-TheGaulInMacedonianArmy Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6vx3471x Ocr ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Ppi 300 The Macedonian Army has an estimated 15,000-20,000 ground troops (about 1% of the population), although, in reality, it can only muster around 10,000 combat troops. These mercenaries, possibly arranged in two squadrons, fought under the umbrella of ‘Foreign Mercenary Cavalry’ – and as such proved their worth against mighty equestrian opponents like the Bactrians and Scythians at Guagamela. Philip massed his cavalry on his right flank and arranged his army in echelon, with the left refused. It was created and made formidable by King Philip II of Macedon; previously the army of Macedon had been of little account in the politics of the Greek world, and Macedonia had been regarded as a second-r [111], The tactics used by the Macedonian army throughout the various campaigns it fought were, of course, varied; usually in response to the nature of the enemy forces and their dispositions, and to the physical nature of the battlefield . Find great deals on eBay for macedonian army. Korragos has the meaning of “the leader of the army”. In fact, judging by the aforementioned figures, Alexander desperately needed more light cavalry, not just to balance his forces, but also for scouting activities in deep enemy territories that often played their part in strategic decision making. The longest of these sarissa pikes reached 18 ft during the times of the Wars of the Successors after Alexander’s death. Phalanxes remained dominant on battlefields throughout the Ancient Macedonian Period, until … [115], The battle fought in 358 BC near Lake Ohrid was intended to free Macedon of the threat from Illyria and recover some western areas of Macedon from Illyrian control. One significant outcome of these reforms related to the phasing out of the typical ‘militia’ Greek hoplites in favor of the epilektoi (picked troops). To make matters worse, the Macedonian army was all but vanquished – with their earlier king and many of the hetairoi (king’s companions) meeting their gruesome deaths in a battle against the invading northern tribes. [111] This offered cavalry far greater manoeuvrability and an edge in battle that previously did not exist in the Classical Greek world. Curtius, on the other hand, talks about how these ‘bodyguards’ performed the function of Royal Pages, which goes against the Macedonian norm that forbade noble male adults from performing menial tasks. To that end, in many ways, the destiny and legacy of Alexander were rather forged by the military prowess and organizational capacity of his commanded Macedonians. They were accompanied by 3,000 Hypaspistes (or Shield Bearers) and around 7,000 allied Greeks. They had for the first time conducted successful sieges against strongly held and fortified positions. Such machines could shower the defenders of a city with missiles and create a breach in the walls themselves. Before the Macedonian army crossed the Hellespont, the mainstay of their infantry comprised the Pezhetairoi (or Foot Companions) – men who the formed up the dreaded ‘anvil’ of the Macedonian phalanx. This was a light shield made of leather-faced wicker. When Philip II became king of Macedonia in 359 BCE, he inherited an army that was relatively ineffective. Some units have also worn surplus US military uniforms. In any case, they probably bore a higher rank than the members of the Macedonian phalanx, and such also comprised an agema (vanguard) known as the Royal Shield Bearers (Basilikoi Hypaspistes). The name of a Macedonian officer on campaign with Alexander the Great (Arrian, Anabasis, Book II, 9 and Book III, 11, 14). And, when translated in geographical terms, many of the Macedonian veterans could have claimed to cross a multitude of rivers including the Nile (in Egypt), Euphrates and Tigris (in Iraq), Oxus (in Tajikistan), Syr-Darya (in Uzbekistan) and the Indus (in Pakistan). These lengthy spears were also known their distinctive small iron heads that were more conducive to breaching the armor of the enemy. For example, Diodorus talked about how the king’s friends or philoi had sent around 50 of their sons to serve as bodyguards in the Macedonian army of Alexander. This was a dramatic shift from earlier warfare, where Greek armies had lacked the ability to conduct an effective assault. Originally, there were seven such high-ranking officers, with the number symbolizing their first-hand duties that entailed guarding the massive royal tent. If Philip II had not been the father of Alexander the Great, he would be more widely known as a first-rate military innovator, tactician and strategist, and as a consummate politician. And mirroring the honored units of their cavalry counterparts, the Pezhetairoi possibly had an elite taxis of their own known as the Asthetairoi, with its members (preferably) recruited from Upper Macedonia. To that end, it is known that Alexander’s closest friend Hephiastion commanded the Bodyguards at the famous Battle of Gaugamela. He used massed artillery to fire across a river at a Scythian army, causing it to vacate the opposite river bank, thus allowing the Macedonian troops to cross and form a bridgehead. All Rights Reserved. [116] Because all the competing Hellenistic armies were employing the same tactics, these weaknesses were not immediately apparent. Our popular notions about the ancient army commanded by Alexander the Great in his renowned campaigns mostly harks back to a homogenous Greek-speaking force comprising of the ‘anvil’ phalanx and the ‘hammer’ cavalry. The Macedonians, on the other hand, regarded their southern neighbors as being effete and soft. It was the birth of the citizen-warrior. Numbering around 9,000, these infantrymen were divided into six battalions (taxeis) – each comprising three lochoi. Towards the end of the period, however, there was a general decline in the use of the combined arms approach, and the phalanx once more became the arm of decision. 'flying wedge') formation of the Scythians. In essence, it can be hypothesized that the Somatophylakes took an active part in actual military encounters, though their numbers were probably very low – in the range of just 200 men. "Quintus Curtius [History of Alexander] with an English translation by John C. Rolfe (2 voll., Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd, 1971-76)", Twilight of the Polis and the rise of Macedon,, Military units and formations of the Hellenistic world, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 32,000+ - the field army for Alexander the Great's invasion of the, Campbell, B. and Lawrence, A. An army unit would then be sent to breach the defensive walls, protected by covering fire from archers, bolt-firers, and catapults. By 1996 fully 35% of the army were “professional” or volunteer soldiers. Such rams were usually provided with a wheeled, roofed covering to protect their users from missile fire; they were employed to batter down gates or to dislodge masonry from walls and so cause a breach (this latter form was sometimes called a 'drill' rather than a ram). But as the saying goes – “necessity is the mother of all inventions”; Philp went on to initiate a military reform of sorts that focused on training and equipping the infantry levies of Macedon, many of whom came from semi-nomadic shepherding backgrounds (as opposed to the Greek farmer/hoplite tied to his land). The phalangites were armed with longer pikes and as a result the phalanx itself became less mobile and adaptable than it had been in Alexander's era. Photo about Soldier in uniform of the Macedonian army guard. Some book about Alexander the Great that I'm reading atm made me want to research the inner workings of the macedonian army closer, especially the recruitment mechanism. The shield was of Thracian origin and was originally crescent-shaped, however, by the time of Macedonian greatness many depictions of peltai show them as being oval or round. In terms of panoply, the Prodromoi wore light tunics (without armor), possibly complemented by rose-colored cloaks (and the panther-skin shabraque for officers). In any case, as we fleetingly mentioned, beyond the scope of their armor, it was the bristling set of pointed sarissai that presented a nigh-impenetrable (albeit rigid) formation of the Macedonian phalangites. The native Macedonians however remained the most important part of the army. Aside from a small number of archers attested as Macedonian much later on (Arrian 3.12.2), the only non-guard Macedonian foot were Pezetairoi. Given the sometimes confusing accounts from ancient writers, historians can only deduce that the Somatophylakes or Bodyguards probably comprised a separate unit within the ancient Macedonian army. Together, Alexander and his father would create an army unlike anything the ancient world had even seen. Image of ceremonial, militari, line - 26244337 As had been anticipated, the Illyrians stretched their formation in order to bring the Macedonian left wing into action. The oblique advance with the left refused, the careful manoeuvring to create disruption in the enemy formation and the knock out charge of the strong right wing, spearheaded by the Companion cavalry, became standard Macedonian practice. Sieges against ancient macedonian army uniform held and fortified positions the number symbolizing their first-hand duties that entailed guarding the massive Royal.... Macedonian brethren as being effete and soft of Bardylis ' army were “ professional ” or volunteer.. King himself, the dramatic change in the event of war Successors after Alexander’s death father create. Perceived as an unruly bunch by their Greek neighbors 1,605 miles ( or shield ). Were seven such high-ranking officers, with the number symbolizing their first-hand duties that entailed the. 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