They may learn something in Bible school, but I think it would be helpful in teaching religion in school. “…especially the infulence of mthology in the world today.”. I don’t even feel like school taught me how to learn. It can be taught during a history unit on ancient Greece or in a literature class. If nothing else its fun reading for the kids. So much of literature derives from archetypal stories … Kids should learn that the major world religions aren’t isolated entitites but have influenced eachother and inherited ideas and practices from previous religions. I loved it. I never learned how history relates to present society which is one of the most important thing any student could learn. However, one look at the vast amount of ancient Greek-themed movies and literature today, people will quickly come to the conclusion that the world is still fascinated with Greek mythology though they might not always be able to say why. Greek mythology provides humor, friendship, love, and values to the reader. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Yes, Greek mythology should be taught - it's something that is alluded to in many works of literature and poetry, and people need to know what those are talking about. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Even within specific classes such as history, the events of history were too often taught as isolated. But one researcher recently decided to test the viscosity (rate of flow) of glass, and came to the result that even the least viscous type of glass wouldn’t change much before 10^32 years—about three times the length of the existence of the universe . Here are a few of the most questionable ones. It’s a wonder they’re taught in schools, because honestly, the lessons they teach are generally never ones to follow. ATHENS (AP) — After all these centuries, Zeus may have a few thunderbolts left. This entry was posted on Thursday, September 27th, 2007 at 8:40 am and is filed under Education, Philosophy, Politics, Religion. Their works have shaped Greek culture and they still influence us today. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Greek Mythology is in my opinion the gateway to all the beloved fictional stories we see in society today. Boys did not graduate from all the schooling they were required to take until they were about 20 years old. The period of syncretism begins approximately 100 B.C. Fitness and skill were very important in Greek sports and at the Olympic games athletes enjoyed showing off these qualities. ok just ONE more thing before I eat lunch – theories that are considered DISPROVEN by the scientific community and ones that are disputed and considered controversial should be taught as well – there is a WEALTH of education to be gained from this area – what a great way to teach people to think critically – many many areas are treated too politically and people are taught as if they are fragile and unable to process things critically – this is also one of the problems with sensorship….if I grow up learning that all these bad words will hurt me just by being SAID in my presence, then I will learn to think of myself as fragile and unable to competently deal with and process things in this world – I wish I would have thought of this aspect of censorship the other day in my kitchen when we were talking about music and tv ratings! Most things I learned in school I’ve since not used and so have forgotten. Favourite answer. Instead of doing a stale, retelling of the stories, we want to go beyond and bring them back to life, in the 21st century. In the palaistra boys were taught different sports, in the hope that some of them would become athletes or soldiers. It’s a wonder they’re taught in schools, because honestly, the lessons they teach are generally never ones to follow. Top university around the world involved Greek studies in their curriculum for example in Harvard, Oxford, Yale and other University. Education in Greece is centralized and governed by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Υ.ΠΑΙ.Θ.) 1 decade ago. Who is it really hurting? [….] on a person. Take it from a student who knows. Peppa’s group is at odds with ultra-nationalists who view a revival as a way to protect Greek identity from foreign influences.”, source:, “Greek mythology provides humor, friendship, love, and values to the reader.”, “It brings the students to have good behavior because the stories show the effects of lies, treason, etc. When you take a look at Heracles ( Hercules is his Roman name ), there’s no doubt in children’s mind that he’s a good guy, performing noble deeds. They were taught at home by their mothers. Studying chemistry? Concepts like Cardinal Virtues are important to learn. Peppa’s group, dedicated to reviving worship of the 12 ancient gods, was founded last year and won a court battle for official state recognition of the ancient Greek religion. Also they teach lessons about life. Lv 7. vor 1 Jahrzehnt. I always thought that with the world’s religions being at the center of many of the events of history that it is impossible to truly teach history while ignoring the beliefs of the people’s involved. Springfield, MO 65807 Since public schools cannot say to model a person in a certain religion, they show you by teaching about Greek mythology. bad tim. I dont think that it WOULD be hard to teach everything – if the lesson plans focused on information analysis and critical thinking and evaluation of theories and system theory and basic awareness skills (for lack of a better word)…..”if information overload was a reality , everytime you walked into a library, you would die” David Allen Learning HOW to think and not WHAT to think – learning to keep your head reasonably free from fixed conceptions to be able to critically process information and to assess it for truth and meaning We have what we have due to the Greek and Roman advances. Another reason of why Greek mythology should be taught to high school students is that in high education Greek myth will be involved in the curriculum. Students in high school also have the right to study Greek myth. Many schools are named after Greek mythology heroes. Because it's part of the curriculum? When we learn about Greek mythology in a formal setting — like school — we hear a lot about the heroes. The lines of good and evil are clear cut in Greek mythology. Take care. It brings the students to have good behavior because the stories show the effects of lies, treason, etc. Those who seek to revive the ancient Greek religion are split into rival organizations which trade insults over the Internet. Why teach the Greek myths? Then again, it would be helpful if contemporary science was somehow taught in connection to the history of ideas behind the development of scientific knowledge. Greek mythology is often taught as a basis for later literature studies. other religions today are not considered myth? Again, primarily Greek and Roman mythology, because the two go hand-in-hand and are more "popular" mythologies, but also because most of the English language has Greek and Latin origins. Here are a few of the most questionable ones. Religion is one of the subjects that is directly relevant to many kids. And begin your study of mythology by reviewing with your children what God says about man’s religion in the book of Romans. Greek, Roman, Norse etc. Begin your Greek mythology unit with reviewing Genesis and what God says about man-made religion in the book of Romans. Mythology is deeply embedded in thousands of different cultures, and I believe that not learning about it in schools would be a definite loss. These are the basics that have worked their way into our very vocabulary. Greek mythology gives you a toolbox you can use to navigate life. If so, is that a good thing? So why are myths… Think of it like a Mind Map or better yet – Hyperlinks on the internet – the student sets the path and then it expands out – ok, ok EVERYTHING is hyperbole – but it is the difference, in my way of thinking, between rote learning – the kind that is more and more used because of NCLB testing and teachers FEARS about meeting the standards because of the PRINCIPLES fears about meeting the standards because of the SCHOOL BOARDS fears about meeting the standards because of the LEGISLATORS fears about meeting the standards because of the VOTERS fears about funding for the schools – and once again, a major system made up of almost EVERYONE at one point in their lives or another – that is driven now by FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The narratives influenced the arts of later centuries so that such stories as the abduction of Persephone and those from Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey remained popular in the 21st century. 2129 N Bristol Ln Greek mythology is like history, it is very unusual to see people today worship Zeus, hermes, etc. Learning was just about memorizing, taking a test, and then forgetting again. Hera epitomized jealousy, Zeus, anger, Perseus, courage, Narcissus, vanity, Athena, wisdom, and so forth. A tiny group of worshippers plans a rare ceremony Sunday to honor the ancient Greek gods, at Athens’ 1,800-year-old Temple of Olympian Zeus. It's not like its a religion. I’m just saying excluding religion under the false guise of “separation of church and state” is erroneous and negligent. Another reason of why Greek mythology should be taught to high school students is that in high education Greek myth will be involved in the curriculum. However, reading Greek myths and studying these cultures points out the foolishness of false gods. Mythology is actually fun and intersting to learn about unlike boring […] Christianty or Islam. I have always thought that anything and everything should be taught in public schools…, I fully expect that I will end up eating these words with further scrutiny and discussion of this initial reaction – but that is the gist of where my head is at….I thought that the range of what I was exposed to in 13 years of public school was ridiculous and I learned more on my own from 18 yrs to say 20 yrs old from researching and reading and exploring stuff than I did the whole time….there is no doubt that the basics were taught – but I can clearly remember learning the same useless things over and over – perhaps at different educational levels – for my entire public school experience……shouldnt we have learned that there were Satanic cults or that there was some evidence that people practiced Satanic things? Science has since changed, but religion and scince have been informing eachother for the entire history of civilization. All in all I would support teaching Greek Myths in Middle School and High School. . Glossary on a person.”. Many character issues that students face at home (jealousy, trouble with other children, back talking, etc) are addressed in Greek mythology. If our students don’t grow up with a basic understanding of Greek mythology, terms like nemesis, the Midas touch, Herculean feat, Achilles’ heel and Pandora’s box don’t make much sense. Answer Save. It provides a student with a sense of culture and customs of Greece back then. Was it a religion? You’re a punk [… …..]. I just want to know why the state makes us learn this, not that it isn't interesting. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. From Disney movies to comic books and superhero movies Greek Mythology has influenced them all. What is the point of teaching things just to be forgotten? One problem is what topics to teach in what class. So what about the schools-of-choice option? The ancient Greeks have influenced us in more ways than we can imagine. Why should greek mythology be taught in schools? Having a basic understanding of Greek mythology provides a good foundation because there are so many references to Greek mythology. It is indeed. For a society to function optimally, it’s best if the citizens have a shared knowledge base and a shared ‘language’ of theory and ideas. Where as? Except for the city-state of Sparta, Greek girls did not go to school. When teachers teach mythology, they dont preach it like […-…….] Greek Mythology Inoculates Against False Religion The period is known for its schools, the Academy, Lyceum, Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics. It was all about grades and not about understanding, not about learning how to learn and learning how to enjoy the process of learning. One more thing – I have always thought that one of the readings in church should be from the writings of the Saints from over the years….I have heard the A,B and C cycles of the scriptures all my life and, though I value them, truly feel that the church is rich in diversity and with a wealth of experience and information and truths from those that the church itself has acknoleged as Saints! mythology are especially taught due to their influence on today's society. ♦ It gives them a deeper understanding of Greek and Roman culture (and Egyptian and European). And as i said there aren’t people out there worshipping still greek gods. It's cool, it's a big part of Greek history which our country is built on. 600 E 50th St Some schools teach mythology as a history or sociology course. I think all of the major religions should be taught, and I think religion should be taught in correlation with mythology, philosophy, logic, and history. Why not teach Mythology in school? why the hell shouldnt we have known that? I did have one class in high school that focused partly on politics, but it wasn’t taught in a way that I could connect to and so it made no impact on me. We hear about Herakles and his labors, the warriors of Troy, of Odysseus's journey, and Theseus's battle with the Minotaur. Every last story is filled with rape, incest, bestiality, and people generally just acting like total douchebags. Beste Antwort. No, really. Many of our modern terms come from mythology (like narcissism). I attended seven different public schools--from the west coast to the midwest--and not once in all of those years do I recall NOT receiving even just a brief overview on Greek mythology. Learning Greek mythology is part of having a well-rounded education. Some people might wonder why the world is still so hung up on ancient Greek myths when they are nothing but stories and they came from thousands of years ago. Why do we study Greek mythology? Relevanz. Parents use this as a good place to start conversations about the Biblical concepts of worshiping idols and other gods. That one brings about more questions. 417.379.5430, K-5 Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Visiting Yellowstone National Park? on a person. But mythology? I wish I had learned more about politics in school. After high school, they attended military school, where they learned to be good warriors. ( Log Out /  It's mythology, for crying out loud, and taught as such. Moving forward into Greek mythology, help students explore the topic in more depth. 13 Answers. In my English class (10th grade), we had to study Greek mythology. Once set in proper context, there are valuable lessons to be learned while reading the Greek myths. When it comes to teaching a Classical curriculum, many parents are immediately on board with teaching history in chronological order and reading literature that coincides with that period of history. Mythology tells us a great deal about the views and life of those who wrote it, like novels ( an author is alive in their work). 178 views But when we study Greek mythology, we learn important life lessons. Many world-renowned writers such as Homer and Sophocles are known for their stories and poems about Greek mythology. It was really interesting. Not doing so could leave your student confused and wondering why you are teaching, in essence, myths. Yes, Greek mythology should be taught - it's something that is alluded to in many works of literature and poetry, and people need to know what those are talking about. The element niobium is named after Niobe (daughter of King Tantalus). Most of what I know now that is relevant to my life I’ve learned on my own. As students grow older and start to study Shakespeare or other English literature, the lines of good and evil are more blurry. Not only is Greek mythology a part of schools’ literature curriculum, it is widely taught in other subjects such as history. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Students love reading stories about heroes, battles and action. ive always wondered since i was a kid i thought school was about facts i dont understand that part of it. I hope you don’t mind my resurrecting an old discussion. What Do We Really Expose Ourselves To When Eating Out. Studying astronomy? Relevance. As the USA Today article shows, people may not STILL be worshiping Greek gods, but people are AGAIN worshiping Greek gods. No matter if you’re an ancient Greek living in Athens or a North American living in 2010’s NYC. Greek mythology makes a student more observant and appriciative of the world around them, especially the infulence of mthology in the world today. the reason greek mythology is taught is the traits. Because of its multifaceted nature, mythology is hard to categorize into one single subject area. So, should Greek Mythology be taught in public schools if other mythologies are not allowed? preists. If there is one subject that is still widely taught today, it is the subject of ancient Greek mythology. Having said that, we think that the study of mythology (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse) is still appropriate and profitable for our children when set in the proper Christian context for three reasons: ♦ It inoculates them against false religion. Nixa, MO 65714 In Grade 10 English there is a unit called 'Greek Mythology'. The teaching of mythology in schools is based on dead religions because it is incorporated into history. Even many early religious beliefs were based on the scientific observations of the day. I don't think that there is a danger of converting people to polytheistic mythology. These are the cultures being taught in the Bible when Paul refers to “false religions” throughout the New Testament. Why do Filipino Schools teach Greek Mythology and yet ignore this hmmmmm?” First, let’s get the obvious out of the way. While they read, they become better able to differentiate between good and evil. People still study the ancient Greeks and their myths much in the same reason they study other cultures and that is so they can learn from it. It brings the students to have good behavior because the stories show the effects of lies, treason, etc. Because of the Renaissance and the impact of Greek-Roman mythology on art and Western development. “it is very unusual to see people today worship Zeus, hermes, etc.”. Greek mythology provides a student with more vocabulary. If a commercial comes on that has something to do with Greek gods such as a chocalate commercial, you might look dumb if you question out loud what it is about. If religion is not supposed to be taught in public schools, how is it that Greek Mythology, as well as other mythologies, are taught in public schools? (Note: the word “mythology” does not imply the story is false.). WHY TEACH MYTHOLOGY? It's not taught as a religion. The Greek and Roman myths were early religion, part of early civilization's way to explain things they did not understand. Taking a test, and so have forgotten multifaceted nature, mythology is tame! Influenced us in more depth, anger, Perseus, courage, Narcissus, vanity Athena! ’ t understand science sometimes reading Greek myths is to explore virtues any to!, since even scientists don ’ t be taught during a history on. Show the effects of lies, treason, etc 529 when the Byzantine Roman Emperor Justinian forbade the teaching pagan... 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